
Hot squid season!

Oct 11 , 2023

Hot Squid Season

According to reliable market intelligence, the fishing boats in various ships are about to return, which means that more squid products will be on the market soon, but don't think that the price will drop significantly, this is impossible, because there are relatively more festivals at the end of the year, and the demand is rising, I still suggest that you can purchase now!

Regarding the whole frozen squid, we have the following varieties: illex squid, giant squid, Indian squid, black squid, as for the red squid and other products, the squid quantity is relatively small, detailed content please consult our sales staff!

Frozen illex squid
Frozen Peru Squid
Frozen Black Squid
Frozen Ghana Squid
Frozen illex squid Frozen Peru Squid Frozen Black Squid Frozen Ghana Squid

As for processed squid products, our best sellers are frozen squid pineapple cut, frozen squid ring, and frozen Squid tentacle, There are also frozen squid roe which are in great demand in Thailand, please contact us at fuwanhang!

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